Nov 29, 2011

Finding Holiday Cheer

I know it sounds crazy, but I have been craving Christmas craziness. I told Eric the other day that I Wal Mart's crazy crowds are a part of Christmas for me, and that I actually want to go there really bad. I want to go to a mall too and see it all set up for Santa and for Christmas. Is Santa in the malls yet, people back home? When does he come?
Anyway, we have one mall here in Vienna. The rest is outdoor shopping streets and stuff. We also have Ikea just south of Vienna, which has a shopping centre attached to it. So Eric and I went to Ikea today in search of Christmas cheer. Goals of the day:
1. find The Grinch (With Jim Carrey) on DVD. 
2. find the things I need to play out the Christmas decoration idea in my brain (frames, free newspapers, paint)
3. find Christmas decorations and cheer in the malls and crowds.
Each were a happy success. Plus and added bonus: I found the very first thing I want to add on my Christmas wish list (big comfy holiday slippers, and a few others after that as well). It was a fun day full of holiday cheer. Then when we got home we got to watch The Grinch together and drink hot chocolate. mmmm. Loving the holiday season already.
Eric found the first item on his wish list in the Apple Store.
Side note: While we were watching the movie Eric was holding my hand and realised that my engagement ring was missing. So we had to pause and spend like 10 or 15 minutes tearing the bed apart to look for it. On the bright side, we found mold on the wall beside the bed. That was great. (We found the ring too; inside the duvet cover. Don't know what happened there.)


  1. pretty sure we have the same pajama pants.. love

  2. Bahaha loved the last bit! Glad you didn't lose your ring! You guys are so cute. Looks like you're getting into the Christmas spirit!
